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Friday, June 18, 2010

I passed!!

So I know I said I would post after Father's Day, but I just had to share the good news. I passed my Exit exam for my Math 099 class! Though it doesn't guarantee that I will pass the class as a whole, but I am just so grateful that I was finally able to overcome it. I decided to go with the paper option this time, and it was much easier on me. It was more questions, but this time I was in a room to my self, and I felt like I was able to take my time to work out each question as best I could. Once I was done, the instructor ran it through the Scantron machine and said that I got 42/44 points which means I passed!! I called momma to tell her the good news and she said that caused for a celebration.

Her idea of a celebration was a cookie cake from Lucky's. She wanted to get one that said "Congratulations!", but all they had was "Happy Birthday!" or "Happy Father's Day!".

The thing is, I have been telling her I wanted a cookie cake for my birthday this year. She said we could try it out and see whether or not I still wanted one. I quickly pointed out that a cookie cake from the Great American Cookie Company might be a little different than one from Lucky's grocery store.

Thanks to all of you who have been praying for me. I know it is because of the blessing of the Lord that I am able to say that I passed.

1 comment:

  1. So excited! I know it feels good to have that off your shoulder! I am sure that cookie cake isn't as good but it sure does look good!!! Love you girl
